10 Things Happy Couples Do Differently

All relationships hit a bit of a slump every now and again, some more than others. Eventually days repeat themselves, and you find yourself losing your better half. So here’s the top 10 things that will help every relationship prevent this from happening!

1. Embrace Trust and Avoid Jealousy – I know, it’s a lot easier said than done. But think about it this way. It is unavoidable that your partner will have friends, colleagues, classmates, and people they see in their day-to-day lives that are of the opposite sex. Some of these people may be really great and really good looking. But here’s where the trust comes in. Your partner chose you, if they wanted any of those people they see everyday, they would very easily leave you. Jealousy is only a sign of insecurity, which is an extremely unattractive quality. Jealousy will not get you anywhere in a relationship – it only leads to trust issues, which could lead to a break up. Jealousy and lack of trust will drive your partner away. Learn to trust your partner, and show them that you trust them. Have a little more faith in yourself – you are the one they have chosen and you are the one they want.

2. Take an Interest in Each Others Day – Its too easy to come home and rant on about how much you hate your boss or how idiotic some people in your office are. Instead, come home and start by asking your partner how their day was. A gentle kiss and a loving hug will let them know you really care. Don’t forget to pay attention to the details, ask questions to show that you are actually interested.

3. Learn to Compromise – No, unfortunately you can’t always have it your way. If he watched The Notebook with you last night, why not watch the game with him tonight? Show them how much you enjoy spending time with them, even if its not your favourite activity – any time together is quality time.

4. Find Common Hobbies and Likes – It’s always easier in the early stages of a relationship, but once that thrill of a new relationship wares off, you need to be able t do things together that you both enjoy. Shared interests are a great back bone to a long lasting relationship

5. Make Time for Each Other – All relationships need time together. I’m not talking about watching a movie together or sitting on your computer together, you need time to talk to each other. Set a side a couple of days a week to have a quite dinner alone and just reflect and chat.

6. Give Each Other Space – When you’re in a relationship, you shouldn’t feel like you’re trapped or being held down. Give each other space and freedom. Let him go camping with the guys or let her go shopping with her girlfriends. You won’t die if you aren’t with them all the time. Everyone needs that “me” time.

7. Do New Things Together – Do not fall into the same routine of doing the same old things over and over. One of you will end up getting bored and looking elsewhere for something more interesting. Experiencing new things together brings you closer together and keeps the excitement going in the relationship.

8. Flirt A Little – No, don’t get too excited – I don’t mean flirt with other people, trust me, Happy Couples do not do that! Flirt with each other, do not let the spark die. Use a few cheesy pick up lines, tell them how hot they look in the mornings before work, and maybe initiate some sexting. Its a great way to keep your partner interested and happy.

9. Express Your Love – Exchange gifts, take them to surprise dinners, write them love notes, whatever you do, just show them that your love them. Don’t forget to simply say “I Love You” whenever you get the chance – short, sweet, and ever so important!

10. Don’t Hold Grudges – Everyone makes mistakes, and if they hurt you, they regret it more than you think. They don’t need you to constantly remind them of something they’ve done wrong – are you trying to drive them away? Learn to talk out your problems with each other and move on from arguments once they are over.

These top 10 things are key to a happy relationship! You’re welcome.

Follow @gezygirl on Twitter.

Jealousy – A Relationship ruiner?

Love birds


So we’ve all heard the “he’s so jealous” and “she’s so jealous” complaints from our relationship bound friends, but what’s the big deal? Is jealousy Really a problem in relationships today?

A recent survey showed that 8 out 10 guys like their women to be a bit jealous, “It shows that they’re willing to fight for what they have.. And who doesn’t like a little kitty fight?” – says Markus.

When women we’re asked about the topic at hand, we had a slightly different response. 6 out of 10 women felt that jealous men are controlling men.  “No women wants a man who’s going to tell her not to go out with her guy friends. They need to give us space, jealousy prevents us from being ourselves”. With a little further investigation, GezzyGirl learnt that women too, enjoy a little jealousy in their relationships, the problem arises when the jealousy is excessive.

Jealousy can be relationship ruining, or relationship building, it simply depends on how you handle it. While in some cases jealousy may be interpreted as lack of trust, it can also be seen as a “I’ll fight for you” gesture.

The next time your partner expresses their jealous side, don’t be too quick to react. Take a step back, and try think about what the source of their lealousy is. You’ll be surprised at what you may find!


Follow @gezygirl for more on this topic!